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7om Tech

Crafting top-notch mobile experiences with over 10 years in Android and now in Flutter. Quality and innovation at the heart of every app journey.

  1. Newton: Captivating Flutter Particle Effects

    I was playing around with the Flutter casual game toolkit and the confetti animation caught my eye. Wouldn’t be cool to easily achieve this kind of effect in a flutter app? Today, i’m eager to introduce: …

  2. Flutter: Translucent Navigation

    While working on Factify Facts, I wanted to have a translucent navigation (status and navigation) for an immersive design in light and dark mode. Flutter provides everything you need to achieve this goal. However having a smooth experience on Android requires some adjustments. Let’s dive in! …

  3. Becoming Apple Developer: The Hard Way

    I‘ve been an Android Developer for almost 10 years now, recently I was playing around with Flutter and was struck by a personal fact: “I’ve never published a personal mobile application on the stores”. …